Saving Grace Guest Post , Book Tour and Giveaway!

Guest Post by D. M. Barr



Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author? I was a non-fiction writer for years, both as a magazine reporter/editor and as a corporate communications writer (brochures, newsletters, speeches, web content, sales letters, etc.). I never dreamed I could write fiction but every few years, something in me told to try and I’d take a class here or a conference there. Around 2013, I signed up for a course at the Sleepy Hollow Writer’s Center which required me to add onto my manuscript every week. I loved the discipline and eventually had 28,000 written. Then I put it aside for a few years until I met a lovely, New York Times bestselling author who took an interest in me and volunteered to send my work to his editor. That writer’s belief in me and that editor’s comments encouraged me to complete my first novel.

What is something unique/quirky about you? I play competitive trivia (Go Penguins!) and have competed in four national championships with World Tavern Trivia. So, I guess you could say I’m very trivial.

Tell us something really interesting that’s happened to you! As the daughter of owners of a major Manhattan travel agency, I’ve had the opportunity to travel the world, which I then continued as a travel writer. My first trip was in 1986 to the location of my dreams—Tahiti—where I and others on my press trip witnessed Haley’s Comet at 4 a.m. and then watched the sunrise. When the sky turned the same color as the water, it was like looking into infinity. It was something I’ll always remember. 

What are some of your pet peeves? Without getting too political: Bigotry, rudeness, hypocrisy. 

Where were you born/grew up at? Born and raised on the North Shore of Long Island, with frequent trips to London to see the British side of my family (my father’s side). 

If you knew you’d die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? On the beach in Bora Bora with my family and my friends, eating lobster and chocolate and listening to all my favorite music.

Who is your hero and why? My daughter, Julianne. I’ve never known anyone who so strongly believed in herself and her values and was unafraid to share them with the world. She’s defended marginalized populations from an early age and has never been afraid to follow the beat of a different drummer.

What kind of world ruler would you be? Someone who realized that there were experts out there far better versed than I and would recruit them to advise me. Someone who emphasized education and empathy above all else because only when people are educated and willing to understand each other will we ever know peace.

What are you passionate about these days? Political change.

What do you do to unwind and relax? Walking my dog, watching mindless television, reading.

How to find time to write as a parent? Abject neglect. (Just Kidding!) I didn’t start writing in earnest until my children were out of high school, which was partially because my first book was kinky, and I didn’t want my children hassled because of my artistic choices.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less! Perfectionist, funny, stubborn, creative, independent.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing. My grandmother used to be so proud of everything I wrote, it practically bordered on accusing me of plagiarism (“You didn’t write that, did you?”). Considering myself a successful writer is quite a different question. I don’t know how you measure that…maybe if and when I hit bestseller status?

Do you have a favorite movie? Lots. Goodfellas, Godfather I and II, Funny Girl, Legally Blonde, Shawshank Redemption…I could go on and on. 

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie? Expired Listings for sure, but I try to write visually, so any of them might fit.

Saving Grace
by D.M. Barr
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Grace Pierrepoint Rendell, the only child of an ailing billionaire, has been treated for paranoia since childhood. When she secretly quits her meds, she begins to suspect that once her father passes, her husband will murder her for her inheritance. Realizing that no one will believe the ravings of a supposed psychotic, she devises a creative way to save herself – she will write herself out of danger, authoring a novel with the heroine in exactly the same circumstances, thus subtly exposing her husband’s scheme to the world. She hires acclaimed author Lynn Andrews to help edit her literary insurance policy, but when Lynn is murdered, Grace is discovered standing over the bloody remains. The clock is ticking: can she write and publish her manuscript before she is strapped into a straitjacket, accused of homicide, or lowered six feet under?
With a cast of secondary characters whose challenges mirror Grace’s own, Saving Grace is, at it’s core, an allegory for the struggle of the marginalized to be heard and live life on their own terms.
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By day, a mild-mannered salesperson, wife, mother, rescuer of senior shelter dogs, competitive trivia player and author groupie, happily living just north of New York City. By night, an author of sex, suspense and satire.
My background includes stints in travel marketing, travel journalism, meeting planning, public relations and real estate. I was, for a long and happy time, an award-winning magazine writer and editor. Then kids happened. And I needed to actually make money. Now they’re off doing whatever it is they do (of which I have no idea since they won’t friend me on Facebook) and I can spend my spare time weaving tales of debauchery and whatever else tickles my fancy.
The main thing to remember about my work is that I am NOT one of my characters. For example, as a real estate broker, I’ve never played Bondage Bingo in one of my empty listings or offed anyone at my local diet clinic.
But that’s not to say I haven’t wanted to…
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